PhD Students
At UniMelb:
- Yujin Huang
- Zhibo Xu (with Data61)
- Zewei Shi (With Data61)
- Zhonghong Lai
At Monash:
- Shuo Huang
- Yiming Qin
- Xinghao Li
- Yi Liu (now with CityU HK, withdrew Monash offer due to COVID-19)
Research Staff
At Monash:
- Thusitha Dayaratne (Research Fellow)
- Van Nguyen (Research Fellow)
- Kassem Bagher (PhD Student, now Assistant Professor at King Abdulaziz University)
- Dabao Wang (PhD Student, now Research Engineer at BlockSec)
- He Zhang (PhD Student, now Research Fellow at RMIT)
- Bang Wu (PhD Student, CSIRO CERC Research Fellow at Data61, now Lecturer at RMIT)
- Tingmin (Tina) Wu (Research Fellow, now Research Scientist at Data61)
- Viet Vo (PhD Student, Research Fellow at UQ and Monash, now Lecturer at Swinburne)
- Shangqi Lai (PhD Student, Research Fellow, now Research Scientist at Data61)
- Blake Haydon (Research Assistant, now an Engineering Consultant)
- Robin Liu (Research Assistant, now Software Engineer at Google)
Visiting Scholar
- Lei Xu (visiting PhD student, now Associate Professor at NJUST)