I am an Associate Professor in the School of Computing and Information Systems at the University of Melbourne. Before that, I was a faculty member at Monash University. I have broad interests in computer security, including secure networked systems, trustworthy machine learning, and AI safety. My recent research focus can be found here. I am always looking for self-motivated students. Please email me your CV, transcript, research statement (no more than 200 words), and english test score. Information on UniMelb PhD admission and scholarships can be found here, here, here, here, and here (domestic only).
[Jan'25] Our papers "THEMIS: Towards Practical Intellectual Property Protection for Post-Deployment On-Device Deep Learning Models" and "V-ORAM: A Versatile and Adaptive ORAM Framework with Service Transformation for Dynamic Workloads" have been accepted by USENIX Security'25 (Cycle 1).
[Dec'24] Our paper "OblivCDN: A Practical Privacy-preserving CDN with Oblivious Content Access" has been accepted by ACM AsiaCCS'25 (11 straightly accepted papers out of 289 submissions in Cycle 1).
[Nov'24] I will co-organise the Second Symposium on Digital Trust at Nanyang Technological University.
[Nov'24] Our paper "SIGuard: Guarding Secure Inference with Post Data Privacy" has been accepted by NDSS'25.
[Nov'24] I will co-organise RAID'25 as a general co-chair.
[Jul'24] I am deeply honored to be awarded with an ARC Future Fellowship.
[Jun'24] I have officially joined the University of Melbourne as an Associate Professor.
[Jun'24] I am invited to serve as the TPC member for IEEE S&P'25.
[Apr'24] Our paper "OblivGNN: Oblivious Inference on Transductive and Inductive
Graph Neural Network" has been accepted by USENIX Security'24.
[Apr'24] I am invited to serve as the TPC member for NDSS'25.
[Mar'24] Our paper "Unraveling Privacy Risks of Individual Fairness in Graph Neural Networks" has been accepted by IEEE ICDE'24.
[Feb'24] Our paper "Trustworthy Graph Neural Networks: Aspects, Methods and Trends" has been accepted by Proceedings of The IEEE and been featured in the issue cover.
[Nov'23] Our paper "GraphGuard: Detecting and Counteracting Training Data Misuse in
Graph Neural Networks" has been accepted by NDSS'24.
[Oct'23] Our paper "Securing Graph Neural Networks in MLaaS: A Comprehensive
Realisation of Query-based Integrity Verification" has been accepted by IEEE S&P'24 (Oakland).
[Oct'23] I am invited to serve as the track co-chair (Security, Privacy, and Trust in Distributed Systems) for IEEE ICDCS'24.