Xingliang Yuan

Associate Professor
School of Computing and Information Systems
The University of Melbourne

Email: xingliang.yuan [at]


I am an Associate Professor in the School of Computing and Information Systems at the University of Melbourne. Before that, I was a faculty member at Monash University. I have broad interests in computer security, including data security and privacy, secure networked system, and trustworthy machine learning. My recent research focus can be found here. I am always looking for self-motivated students. Please email me your CV, transcript, research statement, english test score. Information on UniMelb PhD admission and scholarships can be found here, here, and here.


  • [Jul'24] I am deeply honored to be awarded with an ARC Future Fellowship.
  • [Jun'24] I have officially joined the University of Melbourne as an Associate Professor.
  • [Jun'24] I am invited to serve as the TPC member for IEEE S&P'25.
  • [Apr'24] Our paper "OblivGNN: Oblivious Inference on Transductive and Inductive Graph Neural Network" has been accepted by USENIX Security'24.
  • [Apr'24] I am invited to serve as the TPC member for NDSS'25.
  • [Mar'24] I am invited to join the editorial board as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Service Computing.
  • [Mar'24] I am invited to serve as the special topics track co-chair (Trustworthy Machine Learning for Web Information Systems ) for WISE'24.
  • [Mar'24] Our paper "Unraveling Privacy Risks of Individual Fairness in Graph Neural Networks" has been accepted by IEEE ICDE'24.
  • [Feb'24] Our paper "Trustworthy Graph Neural Networks: Aspects, Methods and Trends" has been accepted by Proceedings of The IEEE and been featured in the issue cover.
  • [Jan'24] I am invited to serve as the track co-chair (Privacy) for IEEE PST'24.
  • [Dec'23] I am invited as a speaker at the Inaugural Symposium on Digital Trust, held by Digital Trust Centre, Nanyang Technological University.
  • [Nov'23] Our paper "GraphGuard: Detecting and Counteracting Training Data Misuse in Graph Neural Networks" has been accepted by NDSS'24.
  • [Oct'23] Our paper "Securing Graph Neural Networks in MLaaS: A Comprehensive Realisation of Query-based Integrity Verification" has been accepted by IEEE S&P'24 (Oakland).
  • [Oct'23] I am invited to serve as the track co-chair (Security, Privacy, and Trust in Distributed Systems) for IEEE ICDCS'24.
  • [Oct'23] I am invited to serve as the TPC member for USENIX Security'24.
  • Recent Publications (Selected)

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